
Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy describes how we process and protect your personal data ("Data") collected during your use of our platform and/or application. Terms used in this document have the same meaning as in our Terms and Conditions. We, CUBE DESIGN SOFTWARE HOUSE, License No. 800079, Located at AL MUTEENA 581, 1F-35, Dubai UAE, are acting as data controller, which means that we define the purposes and means of processing your data.

We assume that you are expecting the processing of your personal data in a reasonable way when using the Platform. If you do not agree, you may stop using the Platform or object to the processing of your personal data. We will never collect your personal data secretly. We will never ask for more than what is reasonably required for the respective purpose. You will find out it in this document:

  • which data we process, how and for what purposes we do so.
  • when and how we may share your data.
  • how long we keep your data.
  • our protective measures to ensure the security of your data.
  • your rights as to the processing of your data.

If you are under 16 years old, or if your country's law sets a lower age for your valid consent to the processing of your personal data, you will need to obtain your parent's or legal guardian's permission before providing any personal data to the Platform.

1. Definitions

Personal data (or data) is any information about you that, on its own or together with other information, makes it possible for a person collecting and processing it to identify you as an individual. This may include not only information about the individual, such as name, address, gender, racial or ethnic origin, etc., but also technical information about the individual's devices, such as MAC addresses, IMEI, UDID, IDFA, IP addresses, browser information, location information, system information.

Information processing means any action with your personal data, such as collecting, saving, organizing, structuring, storing, using, or disclosing it by any means, etc.

2. Our legal basis for processing

We will not process your personal data unless we have legal basis for doing so, such as:

  • the processing is based on your consent to us.
  • the processing is necessary to provide you with the ability to use the Platform in accordance with our Terms and Conditions.
  • processing is necessary for the fulfilment of legitimate interests, including, for example, our legitimate interests in marketing or ensuring security, or those stipulated in data protection legislation, or those necessary for the protection of your vital interests or the vital interests of another natural person, or for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest or within our official powers. As to this legal basis, you have the right to object to such processing.

We will inform you of the legal basis applied for the processing of your personal data and other relevant details before we start using your information on the specific legal basis, not listed above, unless we are unable to do so pursuant to our obligations under any applicable legislation.

3. What data we collect, how we process it and for what purposes

3.1. The data you provide to us This occurs when you submit information in various sections or forms available on the Platform, such as "Contact Us" or "Sign Up" or when you sign up. If you submit this information, you are giving us your consent to process it.

3.1.1 Your account information We process all the data collected from your account to enable the use of the Platform. We collect your first and last name or company name (if applicable), email address, phone number, and password as data required for the successful creation and maintenance of the account. Without this data, we will not be able to ensure the proper functioning of the Platform. You may submit further information about your profile that is not specifically required for registration, such as photos, address, identity information, passport, license, certificate. We may use this information to provide you with relevant experience options. We may also use your account information to enable you to communicate with other users and with us through the Platform or email. After receiving messages from us, you will have the option to opt-out of these messages except for legal notices, or changes to the Platform's use policy. We may use your name and email address to send you newsletters or any other marketing or promotional information from our platform via email or social media outlets such as Facebook, Instagram or other well-known platforms in the market. You can always unsubscribe from our marketing messages, by following the instructions described under the corresponding link in each message, or through the user settings available on the platform or social media platforms. To verify the identity of the account holder, we ask you to submit a scanned copy of your identity card or any other equivalent document confirming your legal capacity according to the laws of your country of residence.

3.1.2 Publishing information on the Platform We collect data that you post while logged into the platform. This includes information you fill out in our surveys or "Contact Us" form, information from your comments, posts, etc. You understand that any information you share will be available to other users of the Platform, unless otherwise specified by us.

3.2 Automatic collection (cookies and similar web technologies) When you use the Platform website or app, we may automatically receive information from your device and send it back to you in order to improve your experience with the Platform and ensure its proper functioning. We process this data based on your explicit consent, which allows us to collect cookie identifiers. We use this data to evaluate the performance of the Platform, customize our Platform to provide you with a more personalized experience, and draw your attention to information about the Platform. Please refer to our cookie policy for further details on our use of cookies and similar technologies.

3.3. Data collected by third parties When you sign up, you will be asked to provide your payment information, i.e. your credit card details. This data is collected only by the online payment gateways embedded in the Platform such as our bank. Payment providers will only use this information to help us verify your identity and enable us to make payments through the Platform. We may collect your name and email address from our ambassadors for purposes related to the referral program. We will keep this information to send you emails inviting you to visit the Platform if you are not a Platform user as well as to track the success of our referral program.

4. Who we share your data with

4.1. Access by our employees We may share your personal data with our employees or verified service providers. For the above purposes, we may share your personal data with these individuals. We will also make sure that this is done properly by taking the necessary security and organizational precautions for such sharing.

4.2 Third parties We do not transfer your data to third parties in the strictest sense. Technically, the data you submit will be processed and stored on approved servers and using approved software such as Amazon Web Services cloud platforms (AWS S3, EC2, RDS, Code Deploy, Systems Manager). Some information will be shared with other verified and approved services that enable certain critical platform features, i.e. your financial details may be processed by online payment services.

5. How long we keep your data

We keep your data for as long as your account is used. If you are banned or decide to delete your account or simply stop using it, we will keep your data for an additional period of 12 months to ensure that we have the necessary information in case of a dispute between the platform and users or between users. We do not keep information that has been deleted by you. As for the data collected for the newsletters, we will keep it for as long as you are interested in receiving our emails. We consider you to be interested until you unsubscribe from the newsletters by clicking on the corresponding link in each of our emails or by adjusting the appropriate settings of your account.

6. How we protect your data

We use data encryption to ensure the security of your data. We will also inform users and respective agencies of personal data breaches if there are any high risks of violation of your rights as a concerned person. We will also do our best to minimize such risks.

7. Your rights

You have various rights related to your personal data, including the right to:

  • obtain confirmation that we are processing your personal data and request a copy of the personal data we hold about you.
  • request that we update the personal data we hold about you or correct data that you deem incorrect or incomplete.
  • request that we delete the personal data we hold about you or restrict the way we use that data.
  • object to the processing of your personal data and withdraw your consent (if the consent was the legal basis for such processing).
  • get your data in a format that can be read and used in different computer environments by machines and software (right to data portability).

We are committed to responding to any verified user with respect to any questions arising from this Privacy Policy or applicable data protection laws. We undertake to respond within a reasonable time frame, taking into account the possibility of extending the response time up to 24 hours due to the complexity and number of requests. In any case, we will inform you of this extension. To exercise any of your rights, or if you have any other questions regarding the use of your personal information, please contact us via the contact details below.

8. Changes to this Privacy Policy

We may change or update this Privacy Policy from time to time by updating the "Last Modified" date at the top of this Privacy Policy and adding the details in the "Major Changes" section below. Your subsequent use of this Privacy Policy shall confirm your acceptance of this Privacy Policy. If you do not agree with this document, you should stop using the Platform.

9. Contact information

Please contact us should you have any questions regarding the Privacy Policy. Contact email address: contact@galeries.live